Programs » Performing & Visual Arts

Performing & Visual Arts

Performing Arts Programs

child playing guitar

Dance (Grades K–5)
Move to the beat! Students have fun while they learn to move their bodies expressively and with purpose during dance instruction. Students also learn and perform a choreographed dance for our annual Spring Dance event in June.Spring Dance

Our amazing music teacher Mrs. Corallo engages our students in a vocal and/or instrumental music session each week. She teaches the elements of music, skill, and concept using sequential instruction and a whole lot of fun. Look forward to attending our winter and spring music performances.

3, 5th and SPED class also participated in Percussion music with Grand Vision



Who told you not to act out? Our students have fun each year practicing their dramatic skills and building their creative expression with our theater teacher. They learn new vocabulary and construct meaning within and beyond the classroom. Students also are immersed in the arts with field trips to watch Broadway shows and even to be on the stage!

Ready for the stage.       Lion King

Heritage Pageant
Our students share and celebrate their cultural diversity during this winter program and event. Families are welcome to join the after-school portion of the festivities.

Music Will (Grades 3–4)
Our lucky students have the opportunity to learn to play the guitar or ukulele with the MusicWill (formerly Little Kids Rock) program. 

Visual Arts Programs